Together We Win
Spring is Here, Get out and Climb Something
Make Bozeman Montana Again
Easy Company Camo Debuts at Aspinwall
Easy Company Camo captures the best of both worlds.
This camouflage pattern is ideal for hunting or bar hopping. It works perfectly in both settings (although you might need to give it a wash after hunting in it). It’s versatile, unique, but most important is the story behind the pattern.
When you wear Aspinwall’s unique Easy Company Camo, you are celebrating one of the most necessary and successful military events in the history of the world. Good always triumphs over evil.
Wear it with pride.
‘from this day to the end of time, without our being remembered: we few, we happy few, we band of brothers—for whoever sheds his blood with me today shall be my brother.’ - Henry V Act 4 Scene 3